Video Project:
Honey Sponge Cake Recipe

Summary & Reflection

  我们的文章是一个蜂蜜海绵蛋糕的食谱。我们两个人在 Alison 的家做了这个蛋糕。你要先把材料都混合在一起,再把蛋糕面糊放进烤箱里。这个视频项目很有趣。我们两既学点儿中文字,又有一个好时机。我们都喜欢做饭,所以做蛋糕很有意思。

Article: Chinese and English Versions


【材 料】
A.全蛋     483公克
  蛋黄     81公克
B.细砂糖     282公克
   盐     3公克
C.蜂蜜     101公克
 温开水     101公克
D.高筋面粉     252公克
【做 法】
1     材料A打散再加入材料B,放入搅拌缸中用高速搅拌至有明显纹路,转至中速拌打至以橡皮刮刀拉起打发的蛋  液,打发的蛋液约2~3秒滴落1次。
2     於作法1的搅拌缸中加入材料C拌匀。
3     高筋面粉过筛2次,加入作法2的搅拌缸中拌匀成面糊。
4     取一木模,铺上4张白报纸,倒入作法3的面糊,放入烤箱以上火180℃下火150℃烘烤。
5     待作法4的蛋糕烤约1分钟後取出,以橡皮刮刀将面糊拌匀(重复此时间、动作共3次),待蛋糕表面上色时,将上火降至150℃下火150℃,并於木模上倒盖一烤盘。
6     作法4的蛋糕烘烤约30-40分钟至轻拍蛋糕表面蓬松有弹性即可出炉,置於凉架上待凉。

Honey Sponge Cake


483 grams egg    81 grams egg yolk
282 grams fine    3 grams salt
101 grams honey    101 grams warm water
252 grams high-gluten flour

Cooking Directions:
1. Beat the eggs in mixture A, then add mixture B. Blend the two mixtures on high speed until clear lines appear. Use a rubber spatula to continue mixing until the mixture drips one drop every 2-3 seconds.
2. Mix in mixture C.
3. Sift the flour two times, and then stir it into the mixture until it forms an even batter.
4. Pour the batter into a rectangular baking pan, and place it in an oven heated to 180ºC on the top burner and 150ºC on the bottom burner.
5. Remove the cake from the oven after one minute and stir it. Repeat this three times. After the cake's surface changes color, change the oven temperature to 150ºC on both top and bottom burners.
6. Bake the cake for about 30-40 minutes or until it becomes spongy. Place it on a cooling rack, and then enjoy!

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