乐不思蜀 [樂不思蜀]






三國時期,劉備占據蜀地,建立蜀國。他死後,兒子劉禪繼位,又稱"劉阿鬥"。劉禪昏庸無能,在那些有才能的大臣死後,公元263年,蜀國就被魏所滅。劉禪投降後,魏王曹髦 封他為食俸祿無實權的“安樂公”,並讓他遷居魏國京都許昌居住。



English Translation:

During the Sanguo period, Liu Bei conquered Shudi and established Shuguo, a new country. After he died, his son Liu Chan succeeded him as emperor. Liu Chan was a weak and talentless emperor, and after all his talented advisors died, Shuguo was conquered by Emperor Wei. Emperor Wei assigned him to a powerless position and relocated him to the capital of Weiguo.

Emperor Wei was a figurehead and the true ruler was Si Ma Zhou. One day, Si Ma Zhou held a party with music and dance from Shuguo. Many of the people who served Liu Chan in Shuguo felt very sad when they heard the Shu music because it reminded them of their country getting conquered. But Liu Chan didn’t feel sad; he didn’t have a feeling of loss like the others did and instead enjoyed the music at the party.

This story introduced this phrase, and gave it the meaning of someone who is content with what they currently have and has lost sight of long-term goals.